
  • The Averroean Paradigm in Biological Thought. Tamás Visi, GAČR 2024-2026
  • Hebrew Science in a European Context: Research Collaboration Olomouc–Cologne. Tamás Visi, RFHE 2021-2024
  • Jewish Cultural and Intellectual history of Olomouc II - Specialized Printed Map. Ivana Cahová, FoA UPOL, IGA, 2021
  • Jewish Cultural and Intellectual history of Olomouc – Specialized Interactive Map. Ivana Cahová, FoA UPOL, IGA, 2020
  • Transhistory: Promoting Civil Society and Jewish History in the Visegrad Countries – Moldova, Ukraine. CJS (Ivana Cahová, Marie Krappmann), Centropa, The Grotzka Gate, NGO EDAH, Eco Viso, Center for Studies of Memory Policy and Public Histroy in the Visegrad Countries. Visegrad Fund, 2019-2020
  • “Schismatics, Heretics, and Religious Crisis: Frankism and the Turbulent 18th Century in East Central European Jewry” - Summer school Olomouc 2022, Ivana Cahová, EAJS, 2019/2022
  • Holocaust Educational Foundation of Northwestern University Teaching grant. Eva Kalousová, Holocaust Edcational Foundation of Northwestern University, 2017-1018, 2015-2016
  • Medieval Jewish Intellectual History: New Perspectives. Tamas Visi, FoA UPOL, IGA, 2017-2018
  • Support for small strategically important fields at the Faculty of Arts, Palacký University in Olomouc. Tamas Visi, Daniel Soukup, Marie Crhová, Education Policy Fund MŠMT, 2016-2021
  • Averroes Edition. Tamas Visi, Thomas Institute, University Cologne, 2016-2022
  • Czech Short Prose Shoa – A Critical Edition. Ivana Cahová, Erik Gilk, FoA UPOL, IGA, 2015-2016
  • Literary Relations of Hebrew and Latin Literature in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Times: Berechya ben Natronaj ha-Nakdan and Reception of His Work. Tamas Visi, Daniel Soukup, GAČR, 2014-2016
  • Victimae paschali: Easter Ritual and its Influence on Anti-Jewish Violence in the Late Medieval Czech Lands. Daniel Soukup, RFHE, 2014-2015
  • BA. Study Program Jewish and Israeli Studies. Louise Hecht, Tamas Visi, Marie Crhová, RFHE 2012-2015
  • Jewish Printing Culture Between Brno, Prague and Vienna, 1750-1850. Louise Hecht, FoA UPOL, IGA, 2014-2015
  • Rabbinic Literature in Moravia from the Fifteenth to the Nineteenth Century – 7. Rámcový program EU- Marie Curie. Tamas Visi, 7. RP EU – Marie Curie European Reintegration Grant, 2010-2013
  • Challenging the Narrative of Czech-Jewish History in the Early Modern and Modern Period. Louisech Hecht, Tamas Visi, Marie Crhová, RFHE, 2009-2013
  • Jewish Physicians in Medieval Christian Europe: Professional Knowledge as a Cultural Change. Tamas Visi, Institute for Advanced Studies, HUJI, 2012
  • Jews in Moravia: sources and studies. Marie Crhová, FoA UPOL, IGA, 2012
  • The Transformation of Ashkenazi Jewish Culture in the Early Modern Period. Tamas Visi, 6. Rámcový program EU – Marie Curie, 2007-2008
  • Dějiny, kultura a písemnictví moravských Židů. Morava a svět, MŠMT, 2007-2008

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