Days of Jewish Culture Olomouc 2024
Golem, stop! The world through the eyes of Jewish mysticism
The 17th edition of the DŽKO festival will focus on Jewish mysticism in the traditional sense, but it will also reveal the "secrets" associated with the magical meaning of the letters of the Hebrew alphabet, it will focus on merkavahs, amulets, and, of course, the Golem and its reflection in literature, film and art in general. Franz Kafka was also fascinated by Jewish mysticism and this year marks the 100th anniversary of his death. His work will therefore also be the focus of one line of the festival.
Detailed programme on the website: and on the FB page of the festival:
Daniel Soukup: Zkáza Jeruzaléma a zavržení Židů v staročeské literatuře doby lucemburské
Series of Jewish Studies lectures for public WS 2024

We are all Be´eri

Mendel Breitstein: Nail Clippings – A Cross Cultural and Talmudic Consideration

30. 10. 2024 | 5 pm | Tř. Svobody Street 26, 1. floor, room 2.36 | Lecture in English
Mendel Breitstein holds a B.A. in English literature from the University of Maryland, an M.A in medieval Jewish history from the Bernard Revel Graduate School of Jewish Studies, and teaching certificates from the Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik Institute (Jewish studies) and the David Yellin College of Education of Jerusalem (English). He is currently pursuing a doctorate in Jewish thought at the BRGS, focusing on contemporary Jewish mysticism. In addition to teaching high school, he has also taught English grammar and literature in Israeli colleges and Hebrew grammar and language in both Israeli and American institutions.
How should one dispose of their finger nails after clipping them? This has been a topic of concern in many different times and places. In this lecture, we will look at some of the different approaches found throughout the world, and suggest how we might classify these practices. We will also take a closer look at a number of Jewish sources that discuss what ought to be done with nail clippings, and consider a number of possible explanations for what lies behind the Talmudic concern.
Akce je realizována za podpory MŠMT v rámci projektu CRP 2024 Podpora strategicky významných programů na Filozofických fakultách UK, MU, UP.
JUTTA DICK: Moses Mendelssohn Academy as a living legacy of the destroyed Jewish community in Halberstadt
Series of Jewish Studies Lectures for Public WS 2024

October 23, 2024 | 5 pm | Tř. Svobody Street 26, 1. floor, room 2.36 | in English
Jutta Dick has worked as an assistant professor at the Memorial of the Old Synagogue in Essen and at the Salomon Steinheim Institute for German-Jewish History at the University of Duisburg. From 1995-2021 she was director of the Moses Mendelssohn Academy Foundation in Halberstadt, for which she developed the concept of teaching in an authentic place with the Berend Lehmann Museum of Jewish History and Culture.
The lecture will present the activities of the Moses Mendelssohn Academy, which was built in 1995 on the site of the former Jewish Community Centre in Halberstadt. It focuses mainly on teaching the basics of Judaism and Jewish history and culture in the authentic setting of Halberstadt, which has retained its medieval topography and has three Jewish cemeteries and numerous architectural reminders of the destruction of Jewish life.
Akce je realizována za podpory MŠMT v rámci projektu CRP 2024 Podpora strategicky významných programů na Filozofických fakultách UK, MU, UP.
Jana Vytrhlíková: The unknown story of Jewish heritage in Australia before 1900

16. 10. 2024 | 5 PM | Tř. Svobody 26, 1. floor, room 2.36
Lecture in Czech language
PhDr. Jana Vytrhlíková, Ph.D. vystudovala Filozofickou fakultu UP (1976), obor Vzdělávání dospělých při Katedře dějin umění, a později Dějiny a teorii umění na Univerzitě v Sydney (2020), kde žije od roku 1986. V současné době vede sbírku judaik v Rosenblumově Židovském Muzeu ve Velké Synagoze v Sydney.
Austrálie je jednou z mála zemí, které mohou přesně datovat začátek své židovské přítomnosti: 26. ledna 1788 dorazilo do nové britské trestanecké kolonie na jižní polokouli 750 trestanců. Mezi nimi asi 14 Židů, mužů a žen. Na druhý konec světa však nebyli posláni kvůli svému původu, ale proto, že se dopustili – jako většina ostatních odsouzených – nenásilných trestných činů, jako krádež chleba nebo padělání bankovek. S příchodem svobodných židovských osadníků z Anglie po roce 1800 židovská komunita v Sydney posílila a položila základy nejen pro první synagogu, ale také pro vznik specifické židovské identity. Na závěr přednáška představí nově vydanou publikaci autorky: Jana Vytrhlik. Treasures of Old Jewish Sydney: The story of a visual heritage (
Akce je realizována za podpory MŠMT v rámci projektu CRP 2024 Podpora strategicky významných programů na Filozofických fakultách UK, MU, UP.
Ariel Reichard: History, politcs and strategy in the current Israel-Hamas war
Series of Jewish Studies Lectures for Public WS 2024

9. 10. 2024 | 5 PM | Tř. Svobody 26 Street, 2. floor, room 3.51 | Lecture in English
Ariel Reichard, PhD. is a fellow at the Herzl center for Israel Studies, Charles University Prague. He specializes in international security, terrorism and counter terrorism, and Israel foreign policy making. In the past, he also served as a researcher and strategic consultant in Israel.
The lecture will focus on Israeli strategic and foreign policy decisions both before and after Oct. 7. Discussed will be especially trends in Israeli political and military behavior.
Akce je realizována za podpory MŠMT v rámci projektu CRP 2024 Podpora strategicky významných programů na Filozofických fakultách UK, MU, UP.
Czech European Researchers´ Night 2024

Jewish Studies Lectures Serie - SS 24

April, 17, 2024 | 5 PM | Knihovna CJS, Tř. Svobody 26, 1. floor, room 2.36.
PhDr. Iveta Cermanová, Ph.D., historička a judaistka, pracuje v Odboru židovských dějin Židovského muzea v Praze. Specializuje se na sociální a intelektuální dějiny českých Židů mezi lety 1750–1850, od r. 2007 působí jako vedoucí redaktorka časopisu Judaica Bohemiae.
Deset let vlády Josefa II. (1780–1790) představuje klíčovou dobu v dějinách Židů habsburské monarchie. Židovská problematika se historicky poprvé stala významnou součástí státní politiky a panovník neváhal s odkazem na blaho státu zasáhnout takřka do všech sfér života židovských poddaných. Vedle zvláštních, židovské minoritě adresovaných nařízení, tak činil prostřednictvím mnoha dalších všeobecně platných nařízení, jež na Židy dopadala stejně jako na ostatní obyvatele monarchie. Přednáška představí výsledky několikaletého výzkumu, zaměřeného na proměny života českých Židů za vlády Josefa II. Osvětlí okolnosti vydání, obsah i dopady dvorského dekretu z 19. října 1781 (tzv. tolerančního patentu) pro české Židy – prvního v řadě josefinských dokumentů, jež nově upravovaly postavení a život Židů v habsburské monarchii. Zvláštní pozornost zaměří na klíčovou oblast, skrze kterou stát usiloval změnit židovskou komunitu – židovské vzdělávání a jeho proměny na konci 18. století.
Akce je realizována za podpory MŠMT v rámci projektu CRP 2024 Podpora strategicky významných programů
na Filozofických fakultách UK, MU, UP.
Jewish Studies Lecture Serie - SS 24

April, 10, 2024 | 5 PM | Knihovna CJS, Tř. Svobody 26, 1. floor, room 2.36.
Bc. Tereza Holasová je judaistka a archeoložka, specializující se na židovské hřbitovy, a také židovské pohřební zvyky a ritus na našem území ve středověku a novověku. Zaměřuje se především na data o židovském pohřbívání získaná z archeologických výzkumů. V rámci své bakalářské práce analyzovala archeologicky zkoumaný nejstarší židovský hřbitov v Prostějově. Dále se věnuje i biblické archeologii.
Archeologické výzkumy spojené s židovskými hřbitovy nám mohou poskytnout bohaté informace o podobě a struktuře židovských hřbitovů, které nelze vždy odhalit povrchovým výzkumem. Přinášejí nám také vhled do pohřebních zvyků židovských komunit a jejich vztahu ke smrti. Archeologické zkoumání židovských hřbitovů ovšem vyvolává i etické otázky týkající se rovnováhy mezi respektem k víře židovských komunit a vědeckým přínosem. Specifickým tématem bude také použití přírodovědných metod a analýz a genetické zkoumání ostatků, díky nimž lze získat výjimečné poznatky o životě členů židovských komunit. Přednáška nabídne komplexní pohled na to, jak archeologie může obohatit naše poznání o historii a kultuře židovských komunit na příkladu nejstaršího židovského hřbitova v Prostějově.
Akce je realizována za podpory MŠMT v rámci projektu CRP 2024 Podpora strategicky významných programů na Filozofických fakultách UK, MU, UP.

March 27, 2024 | 5 PM | Tř. Svobody 26, 2nd floor, room 3.51
Kamila Kopřivová, Ph.D. pracuje jako rabínka ve Westminsterské synagoze v Londýně, je autorkou účtu @rabinkavzacviku a také stejnojmenné knihy.
Emancipace žen je bez nadsázky jedním z největších zdrojů transformace napříč židovskými denominacemi. V posledních padesáti letech bylo téměř každé židovské hnutí ve větší či menší míře ovlivněno židovským feminismem, který se snaží zrovnoprávnit židovské ženy s židovskými muži.
Přednáška se soustředí na základní židovsko-náboženská pravidla vymezující role mužů a žen a na to, jakým směrem se ubírají.
Přednáška bude probíhat mimořádně přes Zoom v učebně č. 3.51 (2. patro).
Akce je realizována za podpory MŠMT v rámci projektu CRP 2024 Podpora strategicky významných programů na Filozofických fakultách UK, MU, UP.
KATHARINA HILLMANN: Abraham Bar Hiyya and the Rise of Hebrew Philosophy in the Middle Ages

February 14, 2024 | 5 PM | CJS Library, Tř. Svobody 26, 1. floor, room 2.36
Katharina Hillmann is a PhD student at the Department of Jewish Philosophy at Bar-Ilan University, Israel. Her research focuses on medieval Jewish philosophy, Hebrew philosophical terminology, and the history of scholarship in the field of Jewish Studies.
Abraham Bar Hiyya (1065, Barcelona - 1136 Narbonne) was a renowned Jewish thinker in many different fields and one of the first philosophers to write exclusively in Hebrew. His aim was to make the scientific knowledge of his time accessible to a wider Jewish audience, advocating the importance of studying both Torah and the natural sciences while granting authority to non-Jewish thinkers. This lecture will present Abraham Bar Hija and his thought as an example of early Hebrew philosophy in the context of his intellectual and cultural milieu. The lecture will be in English.
Akce je realizována za podpory MŠMT v rámci projektu CRP 2024 Podpora strategicky významných programů na Filozofických fakultách UK, MU, UP.
Info day at CJS FoA UP

Marcela Sulak: Missile Missives
Extraordinary lecture with discussion

The lecture will focus on how Israeli society perceives the Israeli-Hamas war from the inside and how Israelis perceive the reflection of their own situation in the world. It will draw on literary documents, their strength and limitations, and will also touch on freedom of speech and boycotts.
The lecture will be held in English.
Dr. Marcela Sulak is an assistant professor in the English Department at Bar Ilan University in Ramat Gan, editor of the online arts journal Ilanot Review and the podcast Israel in Translation. She translates from Spanish, French, Czech, German, Yiddish, and Hebrew. She is the author of four collections of poetry.
Registration required at
Link to lecture record:
KAJETÁN HOLEČEK A TOBIÁŠ SMOLÍK. To run the Jewish community like a business: Pinkasim and Jewish self-government in the early modern period
Judaic lectures series for the public

November 22, 2023 | 5 p.m. | CJS Library, Tř. Svobody 26, 1. patro, room 2.36
Judaic lectures series for the public

Judaic lecture series for the public WS 23-24
November 8, 2023 | 5 p.m. | CJS Library, Tř. Svobody 26, 1. floor, room 2.36.
DANIEL BARÁNEK: Crossing the boundaries of the ghetto. The transformation of Jewish settlement structures and the acculturative strategy of Jews
Series of lectures for the public WS 23-24

"Jewish Modern History as Transnational History. The Jewish experience in Eastern Europe from the late 19th century till the middle of the 20th century"
Block course by prof. Marcose Silber (University of Haifa)

"There is no Jewish history without Polish history and no Polish history without Jews." is the famous statement of the equally famous professor of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jacob Goldberg.
In the winter semester 2023/24, we are offering you a unique opportunity to enroll in an elective seminar entitled "Jewish Modern History as Transnational History. The Jewish experience in Eastern Europe from the late 19th century to the middle of the 20th century" by Professor Marcos Silber of the University of Haifa, who is a student of Goldberg and a renowned expert on Polish Jewish history. The seminar provides a more general view of the key features of the life of Eastern European Jews in a global context, and its completion is beneficial not only for the erudition of the teacher, but also because seminars focused exclusively on the largest European Diaspora are not commonly offered. You will be able to successfully apply the acquired knowledge, for example, in state examinations. Moreover, this is the first ever course taught by an academic from the University of Haifa, with whom we are planning closer cooperation, not least because of its popularity among students. Haifa is an open, heterogeneous and affordable city, the local university offers Hebrew classes to foreign students quite exceptionally, and its specialist focus on the history of German and Polish Jews is also attractive.
The course is taught in English and, due to Prof. Silber's time constraints, is organized in blocks in the first and second weeks of the semester. If necessary, CJS will provide excuses for seminars that will conflict in time.
Class dates: Tuesday-Thursday, Sept. 19-21: 3-6:15 p.m., Friday, Sept. 22: 9:45 a.m.-1:00 p.m., Tuesday, Sept. 26: 11:30 a.m.-2:45 p.m., Wednesday, Sept. 27: 8-11:15 a.m.; classroom SV-D.2.07.
Yiddish and the Holocaust: New Approaches. International conference, Tel Aviv University, June 25-26, 2024

Jewish Studies Lectures for Public SS 2023 - Vol. 3

Facebook link here
Jewish Studies Lectures for Public SS 2023 - Vol. 2

Facebook link here
Kurt Schubert - celebratory act for the missed 100th birthday

On March 28 and 29, at the University of Vienna, we solemnly commemorated the 100th birthday of CJS co-founder prof. Kurt Schubert. In the early evening of Tuesday, Professor Schubert's companions, including biochemist, former rector of the University of Vienna and former Minister of Science and Research Hans Tuppy, Judaist Günther Stemberger and long-time rector of the Afro-Asian Institute in Vienna and director of the Forum for world religions Petrus Bsteh. Also present were Schubert's pupils, historian Martha Keil, art historian and Judaist Felicitas Heimann-Jelinek and Judaist Bernard Dolna. Of course, all the institutions that Kurt Schubert was involved in founding were also represented, including the CJS.
During the evening, a number of speeches were given by important academic, church and political representatives who reflected on Schubert's work and legacy, carried in the spirit of mutual, not only inter-religious dialogue. After the rector of the University of Vienna, Sebastian Schütz, Cardinal Christoph Schönborn and Chief Rabbi Jaron Engelmayer, Rector Martin Procházka also spoke on behalf of Palacký University in Olomouc. In his speech, he expressed support for mutual cooperation between the Vienna and Olomouc departments. Given the ongoing protest against the long-term underfunding of humanities and social sciences at universities in the Czech Republic, this statement had an important symbolic meaning.
On the following day, CJS presented its research activities as well as the events it organizes for a wide professional and lay public at a joint workshop with Viennese Judaists and representatives of the Center for Jewish Art of the Hebrew University in Jerusalem.

Jewish Studies Lectures for Public SS 2023 - Vol. 1
Open House - Center for Jewish Studies, Faculty of Arts, Palacký University Olomouc

Visit us at our Jewish Studies library on Tr. Svobody 26, 2nd floor.
We have prepared several informative short videos and small workshops as part of the DOD. You will learn about the structure of the department, the scope of studies, opportunities for trips and internships abroad, etc. Above all, we are looking forward to any questions you may have - whether directed at our lecturers, our PhD students or our students.
Jewish culture is based on questions!
Days of Jewish Culture Olomouc 2022, Vol 15
"The Distant Loved One is Foreign and Ours"

Selection procedure for student mobility within the Freemover programme
Please be aware the selection procedure for student mobility within the Freemover programme will be open on 7 October (in Stag). Students will find more informations HERE. The submission deadline for all applications is 11 November 2022.
Sukkot 5783

Let´s celebrate Sukkot together.
October 10, 2022 in Botanical garden and osarium Palacký university Olomouc | Adress: U botanické Zahrady 920.
We will start to build the Sukkah at 3 PM. Interested colleagues please contact Vilém Škuta or Václav Chalupný.
All are welcome!
The CJS team
Night of Scientists 2022 in CJS

Again this year, CJS participated in the Night of Scientists program. Come and experience Judaism in ALL SENSES on Friday, September 30 at 6 - 10 p.m.Again this year, CJS participated in the Night of Scientists program. Come and experience Judaism in ALL SENSES on Friday, September 30 at 6 - 10 p.m.
Field trip Pilsen

A two-day excursion following the traces of the Jewish past in the West Bohemian metropolis of Pilsenon for our first year students Dvoudenní exkurze po stopách židovské minulosti v západočeské metropoli v Plzni.
Summer School "Schismatics, Heretics, and Religious Crisis: Frankism and the Turbulent 18th Century in East Central European Jewry" - Call for applications
Specialized map Development of the Jewish settlement in Olomouc: Geographical and socio-economic structure of the Jewish population in the period 1180–2021
The Kurt and Ursula Schubert Center for Jewish Studies in cooperation with the Department of Geoinformatics (Faculty of Science, Palacký university Olomouc) and the Education Department of the Olomouc Museum of Art has just published a joint project IGA_FF_2021_026, specialized map with professional content "Development of the Jewish settlement in Olomouc: Geographical and socio-economic structure of the Jewish population in the period 1180–2021" in printed and digital versions.
The map provides an analysis of intraurban migration of the Jewish civilian population based on the political and socio-economic development of the Jewish community in Olomouc and its surroundings. Secondary maps present the results of the analysis of interurban migration, graph visualization of the analysis of statistical data, socio-economic structure and national / linguistic and cultural stratification of the Jewish population of Olomouc. A detailed accompanying report is included. The map is a unique source of information for the scientific activities of research and collection organizations (research institutes, museums, etc.), educational facilities (high schools and universities), for the Jewish community and the general public.
You can view the map in the digital version here.